Swimming pool pumps & heating
Visit our shop in the New Forest for your swimming pool supplies
Pumps and Filters
A swimming pool pump is the workhorse in the plantroom and without it the water does not move and other pieces of equipment cannot work. A pump is sized depending on the volume of the pool and how far the water needs to travel.
We can supply a wide range of pumps to suit space, requirements and budget, we do hold some pumps in stock ready to install. We are also able to repair the pump should it develop a problem.
The filter cleans and filters the debris out of the water. Most swimming pools use sand filters, these are also sized depending on the pool and the water movement.
It is recommended that the sand in a filter on an outdoor pool is changed every five years as good sand helps give good water quality and reduce the quantity of chemicals required. An indoor pool is between 2-4 years as it is used more often.
Some pools and spas have cartridge filters, these paper tubes still clean and filter the water but require cleaning regularly and replacing over time.
We offer a small selection of filters in our shop but can order specific ones, we just need either the code or dimensions of the cartridge.
Heating options
Due to the nature of our climate we are required to heat our swimming pools. Heating elements are massively dependent on the pool being indoors or outdoors and the swimming season (for example May to September).
Other factors to take into account would be how quickly the pool needs to heat, how hot the pool is and when, the amount of noise produced and energy supply at the property. Some heating options can work together to meet particular requirements.
Heating options include:
Gas or oil boilers
Air source heat pumps
Heat exchangers working with domestic systems
Electric heaters
Air handling units (specific to indoor pools to heat water and air)
Most specialist products are held in stock or are easily available from our extensive list of suppliers